BONUS: Receive the 'EverLoop' after-class resources for free when you sign up your child for the weekly lessons. Learn more.
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At AGrader, besides the weekly lessons, your child will also receive an additional after-class support system called 'EverLoop Improvement System.'
The EverLoop comprises 5 different modules meticulously designed to address your child's various support needs alongside their weekly lessons!
Pay for the Price of Weekly Tuition Lessons Only and
Receive Extra Learning Resources Beyond the Once-A-Week Lessons!

Weekly Lessons &
Comprehensive Learning Materials
Every weekly lesson at AGrader is curated & meticulously planned to be relevant & build on the latest MOE syllabus.
Lessons are taught ahead of school, accompanied by high-quality in-house curated weekly worksheets and additional materials such as cheat sheets and concept maps, depending on the subject enrolled.

COMPLIMENTARY After-Class Resources:
EverLoop Improvement System

All AGrader students have FREE access to these to these FIVE EverLoop Modules, without any additional charges:

1. Past Year Paper Practice Packs (PYP)
> To Master Exam Formats & Answering Techniques
These sets offer practice on the latest exam formats with questions drawn from top school papers. They’re designed to familiarise students with the types of questions they’re most likely to encounter, complete with teaching videos and detailed solutions to ensure they’re up-to-date with current exam trends and styles.
*Not available for K1, K2 & P1-P2 Creative Writing

2. Basic Build-Up
> To Solidify Fundamental Concepts
This module contains a series of specially developed practice questions designed to enhance your child's understanding of fundamental concepts.
*Available for Primary Science & Math only

3. Revision Packs
> To Master Each Term’s Learning
These packs offer comprehensive term-specific revision, providing thorough coverage of all topics taught in Terms 1-4. Students can use them as 'mini-tests' or 'recaps' to instantly identify learning gaps and reinforce weak areas.
*Not available for K1, K2, Primary Chinese & Secondary English

4. Topical Packs
> To Master A Specific Topic
Enhance your child's knowledge and understanding of a specific topic through targeted practice papers and teaching videos. Should your child seek additional practice or detailed explanations in certain topics, they can make use of these resources to hone their skills.
*Not available for K1, K2, Primary Chinese, Secondary English & Math

5. LessonTube
> To Catch Up Missed Lessons or Revisit Lessons
This module enables your child to catch up on missed lessons or revisit lessons upon enrolment anytime, anywhere, via lesson recordings.
*Available for all subjects

BONUS: Access to Learning Resources of 3 Previous Levels
Students are able to access EXTRA learning resources of up to 3 previous levels to help them revise and improve better (e.g. P5 student receives content from P4, P3 & even P2).

What Is EverLoop All About?

Don’t you sometimes find that weekly tuition lessons alone might not be enough in helping our children progress as fast and catch up to the "level" of prep for the exams?
For many children, there are always many situations where they’re still unsure of how to answer certain questions and problems even after being taught the topic in school… such as when they're at home doing their own homework and revision..
And unfortunately, when they need that extra help, their teachers just ain't there and as a result, they give up and "brush it off".
And of course, they might already have forgotten what they were struggling with by the time they see their teachers next week!
But what if this doesn’t have to be the case?
WHAT IF... our children can instead, have a system that’s "On-Demand"...
One that's always there to assist them to understand any critical concept so that they can always continuously, seamlessly improve on their own?
That’s exactly why AGrader has sunk thousands of man-hours...
Tens of thousands of resources just in order to create our proprietary EverLoop Improvement System, unique only to AGrader (at this point in time) and available nowhere else!
This complimentary revision system serves as a great after-class support to solve this problem and plug learning gaps even if your child is out of the classroom!
In short, with the Everloop Improvement System, students can get instant explanations, and improve faster at no extra cost, improving beyond the usual weekly lessons.
What to Expect?

Learning videos recorded by our in-house educators who design the worksheets used across so many centres islandwide.

Students can attempt the revision papers (we will prepare this for you - save money on buying extra revision books) anytime after class as revision.

They can then watch the learning video on questions they got wrong. Our educators will provide detailed explanations via recorded videos found on EverLoop, just like what they did in the class.

Best part? - is that students can access up to 3 previous levels’ of materials!

The improvement journey for our students looks like this:
Part 1
Weekly Lessons
Part 2
Fully Colored Cheat-Sheets & Concept Maps
Part 3
EverLoop Revision Sessions
Accompanied with high-quality education materials to help them learn content ahead of school.

Specially designed to reinforce their learning and understanding of subject matter.

Extra Revision after tuition class to help plug learning gaps through proprietary teaching videos made by the best educators.

Encounter #1
Student attends "Whole Numbers" topic at AGrader.

Learning Encounter #2
"Whole Numbers" is gone through in school.

Learning Encounter #3
Student attends EverLoop revision session and attempts "Revision Paper".

Learning Gap Plugged!
Watches teaching videos to recap, revise and improve.

Goes to exam Fresh, Confident & Ready to take on the toughest questions!

A Closer Look to the EverLoop Revision Session in Action

All AGrader students have the privilege and access to this system complimentary to their enrolment with us and can come as many times as is required after class so they can improve.
Improvement rates are astoundingly high at over 90% for students that regularly take the revision sessions seriously.
Existing students can either book a physical session at or access to the system online at home on their own time.

A revision paper will be given to the student
Student attempts the revision paper
Revision paper will be marked, learning gaps are identified
Student watches learning videos for questions they got wrong and improves!

During the EverLoop Revision Session:

Alternatively, the EverLoop Improvement System is accessible from the comfort of your home, anytime, anywhere!

Here's How to Use the EverLoop Improvement System at Home?

Let your child attempt the revision paper first.

Mark the paper against the worked solutions (questions that are not fully answered or wrong will be picked out).

Let student watch teaching videos for the questions that are wrong and plug their learning gaps immediately.
Student need not watch every single teaching video - this is to save time, energy and their attention span!

Student plugs learning gaps and improves!

Why Is There a Need to Develop This System?
Competition is STIFF. Everyone (or almost everyone) has extra weekly tuition classes somewhere.
Maybe your child already attends weekly tuition classes.
Maybe your child has already finished almost all the questions on assessment books and past year exam papers....
Or maybe he already has “good teachers” in school….
But why is it that by the time it comes to the exams, he still doesn’t achieve the level of marks that you thought he should have gotten?
That’s because it’s not his fault.
We’ve noticed this phenomenon for years
And we've developed a solution for it so that OUR students have an edge over everyone else.
What our students need is the right “revision system” to make sure they can remember how to apply every single learning concept!
But why?
Because of the Real Underlying Problem known as the “Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve Hypothesis” – developed 1885
It’s a well-known fact that most of us (including you as an adult) won't remember every single thing taught to us today, much less apply it flawlessly months later at an exam.
We may understand the learning content taught to us well today, but most of us will more or less forget part of the content months later – due to the “Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve Hypothesis” – developed 1885.
What Is Ebbinghaus“Forgetting Curve” (1885)?
The “Forgetting Curve” theory hypothesizes the decline of memory retention over time when there is no attempt to retain it.
The curve shows how information is lost over time when there is no attempt to refresh, revise and retain the content that we’ve previously learnt and practised on.
The idea is over 100 years old. It originates in the late 19th century, with German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, who was among the first scientists to perform experiments to understand how memory works in the human brain.

Hermann Ebbinghaus
“The Forgetting Curve” (1885)

Most normal students, including adults, are exposed to and prone to this hypothesis.
The theory refers to both knowledge memory retention and concepts application.
This hypothesis has been found to hold true, especially in education, where students are expected not only to retain learning concepts but more importantly - to know how to apply them in different situations.
This is why even with very good teachers and weekly lessons with their home tutor - students still don’t improve as much as they should be doing so.

AGrader's Approach to This Problem

At AGrader, we recognise that some kids take longer than others to "absorb" the learning content presented to them. Through our unique EverLoop Improvement System that comes complimentary with the weekly lessons as after-class support, we focus on helping our students master a subject and plug identified gaps in their knowledge, before moving on to more advanced material.

Have a Question?
Fill in the form below then our friendly staff will be in touch with you to provide you with more details and to help you better on choosing the right tuition option for your child.
What fees do I have to pay when joining AGrader?For new students, we offer a paid trial of 4 lessons with minimal risk. 😊 This means: 1) You pay only for 4 lessons when you enrol. No upfront registration fees OR deposit is required at this point in time. 2) Only when you decide to continue with the lessons, then we’ll itemize the registration fees & deposit in your next bill. The joining fees applicable are : 1) A one-time registration fee 2) 1 month of course fees as a deposit for each subject (used to offset your last 4 lessons’ tuition fees) 3) Fees are pro-rated according to how many lessons are left within the month *No material fees EVER.
What should I do if my child is unable to attend a lesson?At AGrader, we have the 2 solutions for students who are unable to attend their lessons: 1) Make-Up Classes You may approach the staff at AGrader to arrange for a make-up class within the same academic week. Do note that we will only allow students who have informed the staff of a make-up lesson to enter the class. AGrader reserves the rights to turn away students if the make-up class that he/she is going to is already full. We strongly encourage students to go for make-up classes so to not miss any content taught in that week. For other class schedules, please visit 2) Credit Note Lesson fees can be waived off in the form of a credit note if the proper documentation/proof is submitted for the following reasons: - Medical Reasons (Medical Certificate from clinic required) - School Activities (School Letter/Consent Form required) - Travelling for 5 days or more (Any form of proof of travel e.g. plane tickets, hotel booking etc.) Do note that only a maximum of 2 credit notes is allowed per 3 months (Dec-Feb, Mar-May, Jun-Aug, Sept-Oct). AGrader reserves the rights to not issue any credit notes if no proper documentation/proof is submitted to us.
What happens if there is a 5th lesson in the month?Fees stated on the class schedule are for 4 lessons. As such, if there is a 5th lesson in the month, fees will be pro-rated. Similarly, in the event when your lesson falls on a public holiday, fees will also be pro-rated accordingly.
What should I do if my child wants to stop classes?A student who wishes to terminate his or her class will have to give the centre one month’s notice by submitting a withdrawal form one month prior to the withdrawal date. Your deposit will be used to offset the forthcoming month’s tuition fees accordingly (provided that there are lessons). Please also note that your deposit can only be used to offset your last 4 lessons' tuition fees & not refunded in any circumstance.
What will my child go through or receive in an AGrader lesson?Lesson duration at AGrader is 1.5 hours long. Following our AGrader Curriculum Structure, a worksheet will be completed during every week's lesson. AGrader worksheets are specially crafted by a full-time, in-house Curriculum Team that includes Education Experts trained in NIE with a 'Master's in Education (Teaching & Curriculum)'. Our curriculum is constantly vetted and updated to ensure that the worksheets that our students receive are according to MOE syllabus and always the most up-to-date version. Apart from normal worksheets, depending on levels and subjects, we do have manipulatives, cheat sheets, concept maps to enhance every student's learning and understanding in class.
What equipment is used to deliver the lessons in AGrader?Less than 5% (yes, really) of tuition centres islandwide have equal or better infrastructure as AGrader. ALL AGrader classrooms are equipped with the latest Smart-Board technology so that our students can engage in interactive and efficient learning!
Why should I enrol my child in AGrader or any tuition services?Tuition serves as a complementary role to the school system for students. At AGrader, we teach about 3-4 weeks ahead of the school's syllabus. Research has shown that multiple reviews improve the understanding and memory retention of students. Our students learn content in AGrader first before they learn in it school again - students understand better, remember better and most importantly, apply what they have learnt better in examinations.
Why do I have to pay for a one-month deposit for each subject?Upon your enrollment, AGrader commits a seat for the chosen class & timing to you. That means that in the event that the class is full (12 students), we turn away every student that is interested in enrolling as the seat is reserved for you. Without a deposit - we have no way of guaranteeing your spot as we will not know whom to commit the spots to accordingly. *We only collect the one-month deposit fees AFTER your trial package is completed.
How many students are allowed in one class?We take in a maximum of 12 students, although the classroom can sit up to 15 students. This is to provision for the occasional student from another class attending a make-up class.
How do I know if my child is suitable for the AGrader Programme?The AGrader curriculum is specially designed and curated for students in the 50+, 60+ and 70+ marks range. This is because our materials are pegged slightly above the school's standard, and the pace of teaching is slightly faster than average. If you're unsure of whether your child is suitable for our lessons, take the 4-lessons trial package to test it out in the lowest-risk manner possible! For more details, visit
How come AGrader doesn’t display students’ results like other centres?We obtain real and genuine, in-person video testimonies from many parents, as well as have hundreds of reviews on public platforms like Facebook & Google. We believe parents' video testimonials do provide credibility, as it sums up their experience with us in just a few minutes. That said, we refrain from promising (directly or indirectly) results as “your mileage may vary” - an idiom to convey the fact that every student is different in terms of background, level of fundamentals at the point of joining and have varying levels of support at home too. We encourage you to peruse our materials (worksheets), teachers’ profiles and supporting resources like our EverLoop Improvement System thoroughly to judge for yourself if we are indeed a legitimate and suitable centre for your family.
Can I get a refund for the lesson that I have missed?We offer “Credit Notes” for missed lessons in your following month’s invoice (accompanied with proper documentation) for the following reasons: - Medical Reasons (Medical Certificate from clinic required) - School Activities (School Letter/Consent Form required) - Travel (Any form of proof of travel e.g. plane tickets, hotel booking etc.) Do note that only a maximum of 2 credit notes is allowed every 3 months (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec). AGrader reserves the rights to not issue any credit notes if the reason of absence is not any of the three reasons stated above and/or no proper documentation/proof is submitted to us.
Are the teachers at AGrader qualified?Yes of course! All our experienced teachers are either: 1) NIE-Trained/Ex-School Teachers 2) In-House Subject Specialists 3) Graduate Full-Time Tutors Even better, all our teachers are equipped with an elaborately annotated 'Teachers' Copy' prepared by the Curriculum Team. This ensures quality and accuracy of the lessons that your child receives, minimizing the chances of teachers "teaching wrongly".
I feel that it is still unsafe to resume lessons in-person. What are my options?At AGrader, we are able to offer you the options of either attending physical lessons at the centre, or live-streaming the actual lessons from your home in real-time, by the same teacher at the exact same time. Class sizes are always capped at a maximum of 12 regardless of whether you're joining as a live-streaming student or physical student. Here's how it works:
[Worksheets]: How do I submit my worksheets & how is it marked?Either: 1) Hand them in to your centre. Your teacher will mark them and return them to you when you’re back. or 2) or photo-scan them using apps like CamScanner / Office Lens & sending it to your teacher via WhatsApp. Your teacher will mark the worksheets and return them to you when you're back.
[Bonus Bucks]: What happens to my bonus bucks when I'm attending ZOOM lessons?Behaviour, class participation and doing of homework will all be tabulated by teachers during the ZOOM lessons. Bonus Bucks will be given all at one shot when students return to physical classes.
How are the Live-Streamed Lessons conducted?ONE Class, TWO “Channels” to Learn. 🎥[Classrooms Live-Streaming] At AGrader, we have implemented an innovative procedure to virtually tether (live-stream) our lessons from our physical classrooms right to your home. An infographic is attached below for your easy understanding. Projecting our SMARTBoard screens from our classrooms to your home in real time with the best learning technologies: 💻Our Classrooms are all fitted with SMARTBoards & Projectors 👩💻 Zoom and its “Share Screen” function 🎤 Wireless Microphones 📷 HD 1080p enabled web-cameras installed at the back of every classroom Both platforms (physical and online) will be carried out concurrently, ensuring that students in the physical classroom and those live-streaming the lesson via Zoom are taught exactly the same content, at the same time, by the same teacher. ------------ ❗ If you’d like to opt-in for this 100% Online Lessons, please fill in the form here: 📄 Hard copies of the worksheets will be provided and will be mailed to you at NO additional cost. 💵 Enjoy 10% OFF your tuition fees when you opt for 100% online lessons! Worksheets will be mailed in advance so your child will be well equipped to attend the weekly lessons.
[EverLoop]: Will we still be able to access the EverLoop Improvement System?Due to the current evolving covid-19 situation, we will be uploading the EverLoop Term 1, 2 & 3 Revision Packs (Formative Assessments) to the AGrader Online Platform and making it available to you online for unlimited revision from home. Students will be able to access content across all 4 subjects (English, Math, Science, Creative Writing) for their respective levels in this period of time for extra revision at home. Read more about EverLoop here:
How does the AGrader Digital Transformation affect me?There are many things now available for you as an AGrader student through digital transformation as AGrader endeavours to do its best for you as always. Here is what's different for you:
What is the schedule for the Live-Streamed Classes like?The Live-Streamed Classes are the same classes as the original lesson timings. For Existing students - you will return to your original AGrader class like it was before commencement of Circuit Breaker. The only difference now is that you'd have the option of either attending physical lessons or live-streaming the physical lesson from home. For New Students – you can choose from schedules from all of AGrader’s outlets. Following the latest industry-specific government regulations, AGrader has made some changes to the original class timings to accommodate for the mandatory safety requirements set in place (30 minute interval break between classes) The team is still in the midst of finalizing the class schedule timing changes and your respective outlet representatives will be updating you as soon as the schedule is finalized.
[Equipment]: What should I do if I do not have the necessary equipment at home to access the lessons via ZOOM?While it is ideal to have a laptop to attend the lessons; the actual lessons can be accessed with a tablet device or even a phone. What is most important in following the lessons are your worksheets - which you can collect from our centre as we'll be printing it for you. Then, you can tune into the ZOOM class with any device and follow the class, like as if you're still in the classroom - with the same teacher, same classmates and at the exact same time and day.
What happens if I miss my lesson? Are there make-up lessons or are recordings available?Make-up Lessons - As like before, you may reach out to our friendly outlet representatives to arrange for a make-up class within the same week provided that:a. there is more than 1 class of the same level and subject within that Centre;b. there is a vacancy in the class that that the student intends to attend as the make-up class Recordings - All lessons will be recorded (with a 90% uptime disclaimer), and will be available for rewatching at the Centres' premises. Book an appointment here:, come down, sign out a tablet device and watch the recordings unlimited # of times.
Why is there no further discount for zoom lessons?This year, we are not aggregating classes. The zoom lessons are conducted by the same teacher with the same materials and at the same time and day with the same class size. To share more for a clearer picture: lessons conducted via zoom require extra zoom licenses, extra classroom infrastructure, additional teachers' orientation, additional administration to download, archive, upload recordings, all on top of a robust learning management system and software to support it all. We are not intending to charge more for the zoom lessons at the moment, but for sustainability reasons, we are not able to afford further discounts on lessons that are conducted via ZOOM.
I want all my lessons to be physical and I don't want to rotate.We regret to inform that we will not be able to accommodate requests for all lessons to be on physical classroom platform in classes where the number of students exceeds the permitted class capacity. This is a government industry-specific imposed parametre and is out of our control. As we go through these difficult times doing the best we can, we need the collective effort of all parents and students to exercise social responsibility so that we can all stay safe.
How do my teacher mark my worksheet when i'm 100% Live-Streaming the lessons?You would have to upload your worksheets on the AGrader Online Platform, and your teacher will mark and return it to you via the "Inbox" function on the platform. A video guide on how to upload your worksheets in soft copy is here: An infographic is here:
How do I get my Bonus Bucks when i'm attending 100% Live-Streamed Lessons?For Online Lessons, we will be assigning Points to you instead of Bonus Bucks. 10 points can be exchanged for 1 Bonus Buck at the AGrader Learning Centre you're enrolled in. Points will be allocated to you on every 3rd to 4th week of the academic month, and not after every lesson as we need time administratively to allocate points.
How do i know if my child is suitable for live-stream lessons?Through our experience conducting lessons throughout the entire Circuit Breaker, we have identified that students wanting to attend online/live-stream lessons generally have to be slightly more mature and disciplined so that they can follow the lessons without physical supervision. If you're unsure of whether your child is suitable for AGrader live-stream lessons, you may take up our 50% off your first 4-lessons trial package to test it out with low risk.
Why is there no discount for live-stream lessons?For sustainability reasons, we are not able to afford further discounts on lessons that are live-streamed. Live-stream lessons require extra zoom licenses, extra classroom infrastructure, additional teachers' orientation, additional administration to download, archive, upload the content, all on top of a robust learning management system and software to support it all. We are not intending to charge more for our live-stream lessons at the moment. Furthermore, live-stream students receive the exact same benefits as the physical lesson students in terms of teaching delivery of the entire lesson and worksheets received as the lesson is streamed directly via the AGrader Online Platform in real time. Teachers are also able to provide similar support to the live-stream students by marking their weekly worksheets that can be uploaded onto our online portal and giving personal feedback.
What measures is AGrader taking to ensure the safety of its students?
(Aug 2020) Why is the maximum class size now 9 to 10 and no longer 6?We have rearranged our classroom furniture configuration in alignment to the prevailing Government's safe distancing measures. Students will be organised in groups of up to 5, with strictly no physical interaction or intermingling between different groups. A minimum space of 1 metre between groups will be maintained at all time.