Primary 6 students often face various difficulties when dealing with ‘Forces’ topic questions in the PSLE Science exam. Understanding the complexities of these concepts and their practical application in different situations can be challenging. However, you can give your child a competitive edge by exploring the exam's top 5 most frequently asked types of ‘Forces’ questions.
By familiarizing your child with these common force-related question types, they will gain the necessary knowledge and problem-solving skills to excel in this crucial subject. Join us on this educational journey and witness remarkable improvements in your child's performance.
5 Common Types of PSLE Science Forces Questions

1. Overcoming Gravity
One common type of force-related question in the PSLE exam is about overcoming gravity. This question assesses a student's understanding of the force needed to counteract or overcome the gravitational force acting on an object.
Sample question:

When answering this type of Primary 6 Science question, consider any additional information provided, such as the object's mass or specific conditions mentioned.
In this type of question, it is crucial to recognise that the force of gravity is the primary force to be considered. Gravity pulls objects downward towards the Earth. The force required to overcome gravity must be applied in the opposite direction.
Have you ever wondered why climbing up a flight of stairs is more exhausting compared to climbing down? The reason lies in the presence of gravity. When we climb up, we exert additional force as we move against the gravitational pull. Conversely, when we climb down, we are moving in the same direction as gravity, so it aids our downward movement, requiring less force. Hence, gravity can make some of our everyday tasks easier or more difficult.
2. Increasing Friction
Another common force-related question in the PSLE exam revolves around increasing friction. This type of question assesses a student's understanding of the factors that affect friction and how to manipulate those factors to increase the overall frictional force.
Sample question:

To answer this type of question effectively, begin by carefully reading the given situation. This approach allows you to understand the context and visualise the scenario. Once you grasp the problem, you can analyse how to respond to subsequent friction-related questions.
For example, you may need to explain how a specific object increases friction or identify daily activities that reduce friction.
When addressing these questions, it is important to consider essential factors, including:
The characteristics of the surfaces in contact
The magnitude of the applied force
Any other relevant factors mentioned in the question
Whenever possible, provide a concise explanation or reasoning for your answer. This demonstrates your understanding of the underlying principles and strengthens your solution.
Finally, review your response before moving on to ensure that it accurately addresses the question and incorporates all relevant factors and considerations.

3. Manipulating Friction
Questions about enhancing friction are common in the PSLE Science ‘Force’ topic. These questions assess students' understanding of frictional forces and how to manipulate them to increase or improve overall friction.
Sample question:

One instance that demonstrates manipulating factors to increase friction is when gymnasts use powder on their hands to enhance grip and prevent slipping caused by sweat. By applying powder, the roughness and texture of the gymnast's hands change, providing a larger surface area for friction to occur.
This allows them to have a better hold on the apparatus and perform their routines with greater stability and control. In this case, intentionally altering surface conditions showcases how we can strategically manipulate factors to increase friction and optimise performance in specific situations.
4. Frictional Force and Area
The misconception that surface area affects frictional force is among the most common misconceptions in force-related questions on the PSLE exam. This type of question is designed to test students' understanding of the factors that do and do not impact friction.
Sample question:

It is crucial to utilize visual representations, such as images, when analyzing Force questions answers. By examining the depicted situation and understanding the concept being tested, we can eliminate choices that do not align with the given observation.
In this particular question, the images show two wooden cylinders of equal mass. The observation is that the same amount of force is required to make each cylinder start moving.
By focusing on this information, we can eliminate choices that do not accurately reflect this observation.
By engaging in critical thinking and applying our understanding of the concept, we can eliminate choices that do not provide the correct answer. This process enables us to identify the most suitable choice that aligns with the given observation.
Remember, analysing the question and considering the provided information is fundamental in accurately answering scientific questions.

5. Magnetic Force Application
In the PSLE exam, the most frequently encountered types of force-related questions often include questions about magnetic forces. These questions assess students' understanding of the functioning of magnetic forces and their applications in various fields.
Sample question:

To effectively answer PSLE forces test questions, reviewing your knowledge of magnetic forces and their characteristics is important. Magnetic forces can attract or repel objects that possess magnetic properties. However, a common mistake that students make when responding to questions about magnetic forces is overlooking the concepts related to electrical systems and focusing solely on magnetization.
Since electromagnets rely on electricity, it is necessary to include a brief explanation of the closed circuit that enables the flow of electricity through the wires, thus transforming them into electromagnets. It is crucial for students to avoid misconceptions that electricity flows directly through the iron bar or rod to create an electromagnet. This concept is incorrect, and providing accurate information about the closed circuit helps rectify such misunderstandings. Therefore, when dealing with magnetic forces, it is essential to consider the interaction between electricity and magnetism.

Primary 6 students often encounter challenges when facing force-related questions in the PSLE Science exam. To provide your child with a competitive edge, it is crucial to familiarise them with the top five most commonly encountered types of force questions in the exam. Students can develop the necessary knowledge and problem-solving skills to excel in this critical subject by understanding these types of questions.
Benefit from AGrader's Primary Science Tuition Programme today and equip your child with essential techniques to solve science problems in the PSLE exam. Our step-by-step approach, aligned with the Ministry of Education's syllabus, ensures students grasp core concepts while engaging in captivating experiments and class activities.

With our comprehensive exam preparation and focus on building confidence, AGrader Learning Centre empowers students to excel academically. Nourish their passion for Science and unlock their potential.
Enrol with AGrader now and pave the way for your child's success in the PSLE exam and beyond.