The P4 Science syllabus in Singapore is getting a significant update starting in 2024. As the education landscape evolves, it’s important for parents, teachers, and students to stay informed about these changes. This guide will walk you through the modifications in the new Primary 4 Science syllabus, helping you understand what’s new, what’s changed, and how it will impact your child’s learning experience.
Overview of the New P4 Science Syllabus
The Primary Science syllabus in Singapore is structured around five core themes: Diversity, Cycles, Interactions, Systems, and Energy. These themes form the backbone of the primary school Science curriculum, laying a strong foundation for understanding scientific concepts.
In 2024, the new P4 Science syllabus will be implemented across all schools, bringing a fresh perspective to how primary 4 students are taught science. The changes are designed to standardise the content delivery across schools and provide a more cohesive learning experience for students.
Key Changes in the New P4 Science Syllabus

1. Shift from Lower Block to Specific Syllabi for Each Level
Previously, the primary science syllabus was divided into two broad categories: the “Lower Block” for Primary 3 and Primary 4, and the “Upper Block” for Primary 5 and Primary 6. In this structure, schools had the flexibility to decide the order in which topics were taught across the Lower Block, allowing them to adapt their approach based on their students’ needs. However, this categorization will be phased out starting in 2024.
Under the new system, each level will have its own distinct, corresponding syllabus, meaning that Primary 4 students will now follow a dedicated curriculum separate from Primary 3. This change will standardise the learning process, ensuring that all Primary 4 students across Singapore are taught the same topics in the same sequence. The goal of this shift is to reduce inconsistencies in the learning experience between schools, providing a more uniform foundation in scientific concepts for students, regardless of which school they attend.
2. Standardised Core Themes and Topics
A major update in the new Primary 4 Science syllabus is the standardisation of core themes and topics. In the previous Primary 3/4 syllabus, schools had flexibility in how they delivered content. The topics were not fixed, allowing schools to decide the order in which they introduced the themes. Starting in 2024, however, the topics and their sequence are now standardised across all schools in Singapore.
With the new standardisation, all Primary 4 students will be taught the same core themes uniformly across all schools. This change aims to eliminate discrepancies in science education and ensure a more consistent learning experience for students across Singapore. For example, the theme of Energy continues to be a key focus, but the new syllabus emphasises “Energy Forms and Uses,” particularly light and heat. Likewise, the theme of Systems now provides a more in-depth exploration of both the Plant System and Human System, offering students a deeper understanding of how living organisms function and interact with their environment.
The table below highlights the differences between the old and new P4 Science syllabuses, comparing the core themes and topics covered:
Key Topics in the New P4 Science Syllabus

1. Systems: Plant and Human Systems
The new syllabus places a stronger emphasis on understanding systems, particularly the plant and human systems. Students will learn about the different parts of plants and their functions, including the importance of leaves, stems, roots, and flowers. Additionally, the human digestive system will be explored in detail, helping students develop an understanding of how food is processed in the body.
This focus on systems encourages students to think critically about how different parts of a system work together to achieve a common goal, which is a key concept in understanding scientific concepts.
2. Cycles: Matter and Water
In the new P4 Science syllabus, students will delve into the concept of cycles, particularly the cycles in matter and water. This includes understanding the states of matter—solid, liquid, and gas—and how to measure the mass and volume of the three different states of matter. Students will also learn about different properties of the three different states of matter.
This topic is essential for helping students connect scientific concepts to real life scenarios, such as understanding how we can continue to pump air into an inflated tyre.
3. Energy: Forms and Uses of Light and Heat
The new syllabus also continues to focus on energy, but with a more specific approach to its forms and uses. Energy students will learn about includes light and heat, and how these forms of energy are essential in everyday life. For example, students will learn how light is important for vision and how heat is transferred between objects.
Understanding energy and its forms is crucial for students, as it forms the foundation for more advanced scientific topics in the future.

The new P4 Science syllabus for 2024 introduces significant changes aimed at providing a more standardised and cohesive learning experience for primary 4 students. With a focus on systems, cycles, and energy, the updated curriculum ensures that students are equipped with a strong foundation in scientific concepts that will serve them well in their future studies. By understanding these changes and adapting teaching strategies, parents and teachers can help students succeed under the new curriculum.
As a parent, ensuring your child stays ahead in their academic journey is a top priority, especially in subjects like Science. That’s why the AGrader Primary Science Tuition programme is the perfect solution. Each weekly lesson is meticulously curated to align with the latest MOE syllabus, ensuring your child is always learning content that is relevant and up-to-date. Our expert teachers plan lessons ahead of the school syllabus, giving your child a competitive edge and helping them grasp concepts before they encounter them in the classroom. Paired with high-quality, in-house curated worksheets, these lessons are designed to reinforce learning, making complex science topics easier to understand.

At AGrader, we take it a step further by offering all students FREE access to our EverLoop Modules, including Past Year Paper Practice Packs to master exam formats and techniques, Revision Packs to consolidate term-based learning, Topical Packs to focus on specific areas, and LessonTube for reviewing missed or revisited lessons—at no additional cost. This comprehensive learning support ensures your child is always prepared, confident, and ready to tackle exams with ease.
Give your child the best advantage by enrolling them in AGrader Primary Science Tuition today and watch them build a strong foundation for future academic success.
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